NLFOC Vision:
To be a family of churches united in love and committed to mutual support so that together we fulfill God’s Mission in Asia and beyond for His eternal glory. “Family": this speaks of our relationship a family that stems from our common heritage and history. "United in love": means that it is mutual love that binds us in unity, not signing in to be part of a "denomination." It also prioritizes the significance of love that defines out relationships. It is also agreement with God's priority for "love" and that "love never ends." Our fellowship is not primarily working relationship, it is defined by Christ's love for us and our love for one another. "Committed to mutual support": we recognise that we need each other. We are not alone and we look after one another. God has given us to each other to support and help one another. Hopefully, as William expressed in our call, that over time, the pastors will find mutual support from one another as deep friendships develop. "Together": we want to galvanise NLFOC churches to become more collaborative and inclusive in what we do. I also hope that we have the mindset of thinking of one another in what we do. The work is bigger than just what one individual church can do and we want to synergize. "Fulfil God's mission": the big part of this is fulfilling the Great Commission, church planting, etc. But it is broader than that and allows each church to express what it is individually/specifically/uniquely called to do as part of its interpretation of "God's mission" for itself. "In Asia and beyond": this spells out our main geographical area of interest but we do not limit ourselves to only Asia. "For his eternal glory": Our purpose in working out our vision is for God's highest glory. It also means that our vision has eternal value, it is worth giving up our lives for. |
Audio (MP3)
"NLFOC: Our History, Heritage and Vision" –Remembering our Past and Shaping our Future – 18 Sep 2016 Pastor Song |